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How to choose the perfect gas hob for your kitchen?


Choose a quality gas hob:You must keep in mind some important points. Consider the kitchen where the hob is to be installed and your needs.
How do you choose a quality gas hob?
Simple! You must keep in mind some important points. Consider the kitchen where the hob is to be installed and your needs.

Number of burners
The number of burners of a cooktop gas hob may vary as opposed to the classic stove. If you live alone, a hob with two burners may be enough.Instead, if the hob’s purpose is to cook food for a whole family, it’s good to choose one with four or five burners. The cooking time will be shorter and the amount of food cooked higher by using several burners simultaneously.

Hobs dimensions
Elegant gas hob with glass baseThe hobs dimensions are also important. Carefully measures the furniture space you have available in advance and take them into account when looking to make the purchase.Apart from the fact that the hob has to be compatible with the width of the furniture where it needs to be inintegrated, takes into account the fact that a large hob on a small kitchen cabinet will take a lot of useful space. Weigh the available space and your needs before making the purchase.

The design of a gas hob can vary quite a lot from one model to another. Starting from the classic black and white simplistic design with flame adjustment buttons placed in the front, to modern black ceramic glass hobs with irregularly placed burners and buttons on the sides. Keep in mind that for a more attractive design, you’ll need to get more money out of your pocket.

The material from which the gas hob is built will determine it’s lifetime. As I said in the beginning, the quality ones are made of stainless steel or cast iron. It is preferable to choose such a model, or, if the budget does not allow, however, you can opt for other materials.
The material from which the burners are made differs from that of the base of the hob. The most common are enameled steel, wrought iron or cast iron.Iron or enameled steel has a shorter life span than cast iron, the use of cleaning agents contributing to their erosion.

Cleaning and maintenance
Cleaning the hob is also important. If you are a housewife who always wants a clean kitchen, then the ease with which the hob can be cleaned will count a lot for you.

Safety features
Installed stainles steel gas hob
Safety systems are the ones that incline the balance when it comes to choosing between a gas hob and a stove.A good gas hob is equiped with advanced safety features such as:a gas safety device that closes the valve by stopping the gas from spreading inside the room when there is no against use by children (if you have a small one in the family , this feature is mandatory).